--> FROM THE EDITOR <-- HI! Well, another issue is under our belts, and the new format was very well received. Never did we hear so many compliments for our work. So very nice to hear. With our very limited knowledge of programming, we did put out a new first screen for the last issue and another for this one. Like "other magazines" which have different front covers for each issue, we would like to do the same. Since our programming know-how is so very limited, we'd like to solicit help from some of our more knowledgeable readers. How about some designs for the first and second screens of future issues - the more bells and whistles the better. Think you're up to putting in some graphics, some sound - stuff like that? We would be most happy to run your original work and give you screen credit as well. Follow the same delivery method we recommend for written articles - modem to Library #50, or hand delivery or mailing of a disk to the editor. The "popcorn" effect title page for this issue is not an original creation. It was found on an ancient public domain disk and was changed to bring it up to the present needs. Maybe some of you have similar oldies which would lend them- selves to Bits and Bytes. At any rate, we've got another assortment of articles and ideas for your approval in the files that follow. Enjoy them, and help us to do a better job with original articles of pet techniques, program reviews and/or whatever. By permission of the author, extra commands and features have been added to the ProDOS environment with a copyrighted program called NORT. It is one of the 'building block' programs on the 'Developer Disk #1" from Nite Owl Product- ions, 5734 Larmar Ave., Mission, Kansas 66202. If you like it, you can order 'PROGRAMMING-21' from the ACES library to get a sampler of this disk. And, using the same program, we accepted an idea from our Librarian to use sub-directories within NORT to make the menus look a little less crowded. Like the new look? Thanks for your cooperation........ Stan Feller Editor